Minaminigoro, Ojiya, Niigata, Japan

Mr Ryu Mano is a 4th generation Koi breeder who is known for producing the best quality Yamabuki Ogon on the world. The farm was established just after WW2 and that 100 years of experience and knowledge passed down through generations goes into producing sublime nishikigoi. As well as outstanding Yamabuki Ogin, Izumiya is known for it's Gosanke and Goromo. Many accolades and prizes have been won with their amazing fish including some high prestige grand champion awards.
Izumiya started breeding Yamabuki Ogon back in 1985, by accident really! They had a tough season, losing a lot of fry and so with a pair of Yamabuki Ogon on hand they decided to give them a try. I doubt they knew back then that they would soon be recognised as the best breeder of Yamabuki in the world! Last I heard, their Yamabuki have reached just a few centimetres off the magical 1m mark - every chance they have passed that by now.
Size isn’t everything. They also pay very close attention to good fukurin. They really want the fukurin to be the highlight of the fish and they believe their Yamabuki has the best around.
Fukurin is a tricky one to define as it seems to vary depending on who you ask. I see it as the skin between the scales that creates that webbing-like pattern, more on from that, the shine and lustre it brings to the overall skin quality impression of the fish. Izumiya watches the scale layout very carefully in their baby fish, so ensure they develop the fukurin and shine they desire. The shine and scale positioning on the shoulder region is important and they really want this to be a highlight of the fish that grabs attention with its sheer beauty.
Most dealers who buy fish from Japan, like us, tend to look for the paler, lighter Izumiya Yamabuki Ogon. Lighter the better. Water quality plays a role in the colour development and when these pale fish reach our water with a higher hardness and PH, they gradually develop that smooth, stunning yellow colouration and rarely develop unwanted shimi’s (orange spots). In an interview/presentation, Mr Mano also noted himself that natural light affects the colour of their Yamabuki too. In the winter months when the fish houses are covered with thick snow, natural light cannot make it through and the fish become paler. He assures that the colour does return when the fish get natural light again.
You can watch the entire presenation, where he also discusses in detail his criteria for Sanke and Goromo on the Kodama Koi Farm YouTube channel:
Koi from this breeder