Tetra PlantaMin Pond Plant Food

Size: 500ml
Sale price£17.99


Do you want healthy, lush pond plants that are the envy of your neighbors? Transform your pond into a lush, vibrant oasis with Tetra PlantaMin Pond Plant Food – your secret to thriving aquatic plants! It is here to breathe life into your aquatic garden. Say goodbye to dull, struggling plants and hello to healthy and luxurious greenery.

Tetra PlantaMin is a liquid fertilizer that provides your pond plants with all the essential nutrients they need, including iron, potassium, and trace elements. It is nitrate and phosphate-free, so it won't promote algae growth.

Tetra PlantaMin is easy to use - simply add it to your pond water every two to three weeks. It takes effect immediately, thanks to the rapid absorption of nutrients.

Say farewell to nutrient deficiencies and hello to rich, green, and strong plant growth that lasts for weeks. Elevate your aquatic garden's beauty with Tetra PlantaMin – the ultimate plant food solution. 

Within a few weeks, you'll see a noticeable difference in your pond plants. They'll be greener, healthier, and more vibrant than ever before. Order now and witness the transformation!

Here are just a few of the benefits of using Tetra PlantaMin:

  • Promotes healthy plant growth and development
  • Encourages flowering and fruiting
  • Improves plant color and vibrancy
  • Strengthens plants to resist pests and diseases
  • Reduces algae growth

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