Marudo Koi Farm is run by Hisashi Hirasawa, who took over the farm from his father in the late 80's. Prior to this, he soent 18 years with Dainichi Koi Farm, mastering the art of breeding top quality Nishikigoi. His Marudo bloodline of Showa is well sought after world-wide and oozes quality. Alongside Showa, Marudo is also held in high regard for outstanding Chagoi, Karashigoi and other gosanke varieties.
This particular Ginrin Chagoi is beautiful. The gleam of the Ginrin contrasts in a spectacular fashion against the deep base colour. The body shape, frame, build and appetite all contribute to great potential growth development.
Shipping is available on this koi.
For more photos/videos, get in touch via WhatsApp +441564703018
Breeder: Marudo Koi Farm, Nagaoka, Niigata, Japan.
Size: 25cm
Sex: Unknown, suspect female.
Quarantined and ready to be sold!
Shipping available.